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Adrienne Justice

Community Engagement Manager


Phone: 215.925.3453 x 117

Adrienne Justice is equal parts artist and art educator. As Community Engagement Manager, she oversees The Claymobile program by coordinating teaching artists and sites such as public schools, older adult centers, and community spaces to bring ceramics education to a vast and diverse audience. She joined The Clay Studio in this full-time staff position in 2021, just after receiving her master's degree in Art Education with an Emphasis on Inclusive Practices from Moore College of Art. Her graduate research focussed on how the crisis teaching practices of teaching artists during COVID-19 shaped the methods and approaches of general education as a whole. Many years of experience as a Teaching Artist for Claymobile residencies, The Clay Studio summer camp, and community events enabled her to bring familiarity with The Clay Studio and a passion for its mission to her role as Community Engagement Manager.

In addition to teaching for The Clay Studio, Adrienne has extensive teaching experience with local arts organizations which taught her to consider all students’ abilities, competencies, and personal points of view. Her teaching background includes running three weekly adult sculpture classes for adults who are blind or visually impaired and teaching a digital arts and literacy integration program within a nearby local school district.

As an educator, Adrienne designs curricula with the same thought process she uses to create a body of artwork, making deeply-felt connections that are both conceptual and concrete. Her own art education began in the field of ceramics, with a BFA from Pratt Institute. In her home studio, she explores the comfort and discomfort of domestic spaces through stuffed, stitched, and pierced soft sculpture paired, in installation, with ceramic objects. Her work interrogates the process of aging as it relates to the body and the matriarchal duties of stewardship over domestic objects.

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