Political Clay

Jul 28th - Aug 19th, 2000

Held in the Harrison Gallery, "Political Clay" was organized to coincide with the Republican National Convention 2000 featuring works by the following artists: Tom Bartel, M. J. Bole, Stephen Braun, Gina Bobrowski, Toby Buonagurio, Mark Burns, Caroline Cheng, Cynthia Consentino, John DeFazio, Debra Fritts, Peter Gourfain, Michael Gross, Coille Hooven, Leroy Johnson, Matt Nolen, Richard Notkin, Justin Novak, Tom Rippon, Joellyn Rock, Janethel Shaw, Dirk Staschke, Melissa Stern, Joan Takayama Ogawa, Hirosune Tashima, Rimas VisGirda, Gerry Williams and Etta Winigrad. There was a special opening called "Fox Extra Friday" held July 28th from 5pm-9pm.

Independent curator Gail M. Brown has invited twenty-eight local and national ceramic artists to present their points of view to the delegates with the intention of "informing" the political process. In her words "Artists have always been visual commentators who mark their time and place from their creative and life perspective. This invitational offers a visual forum to social, political, and environmental issues expressed passionately in clay. The work promises to reflect personal points of view and strong concerns: pieces which look back, ahead, or, simply at the social and political status quo." Ms. Brown further discussed the artists and their work at a Gallery Talk on July 29th at 1pm.

Celebrating its 25th Anniversary, The Clay Studio is a non-profit educational arts organization dedicated to the promotion and development of the ceramic arts and the work of new clay artists. The Clay Studio supports the ceramic arts through its artist residencies, gallery, studio space, school and outreach programs.