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How it Works

  1. Fill out our online form to requst Claymobile for a residency (a 90-minute lesson once a week for 6-12 weeks) or a one-day workshop.

  2. Claymobile sends you a teaching artist, an assistant, and all the supplies and materials needed for a ceramics lesson.

  3. You provide a classroom teacher, after-school leader, or other staff to be present and engaged at each Claymobile session.

  4. Sites will also provide a space with tables and chairs for all participants, as well as access to a source of water (a sink in the room is a plus).

  5. The teaching artist leads comprehensive lessons designed specifically for the age and ability of students and the goals of your organization. The students learn the basics of hand-building with clay and their imagination and confidence grow!

  6. Students contruct their artowrk onsite, then we transport it back to The Clay Studio for firing in our kilns.

  7. We deliver finished artwork back to your site for students to enjoy and show off their masterpieces!


Are there any virtual options for Claymobile?

Claymobile has developed a variety of virtual programming including kits with virtual instruction for making coil bowls or name plates, air dry clay kits with virtual instruction, and virtual crafting sessions using materials students likely have at home. Visit our Virtual Claymobile page to learn more.

What are the different curriculum options for residencies?

We strive to meet your goals and needs by offering different curriculum options for Claymobile residencies.

Creative Clay residencies teach both sculptural and functional projects. Students will learn basic hand-building techniques including making pinch pots, creating slabs, and building with coils. In a typical 6-week residency, students will create 4 to 5 different projects.

Collaborative Clay residencies are designed in collaboration with classroom teacher to incportate the students curriculum with Claymobile projects. We have several Collaborative Clay projects pre-designed for different curriculums, or we can work together to create a new project. Collaborative Clay curriculums include:

  • S.T.E.A.M. lessons invite students to explore projects in science, technology, engineering, and/or math while creating artwork. Some lesson examples include making (and exploading) volcano islands and creating fossils.
  • History lessons incorporate the study of ancient cultures and ceramic history. Some lesson examples include creating Egyptian cartouches and face jugs inspired by enslaved African American potters.
  • Art & Art History lessons draw inspiration from artists in other mediums for ceramic projects. Some lesson examples include creating Picasso inspired masks and Pop Art inspired name plates.
  • Literacy lessons use books as inspiration. Each lesson includes reading a book and creating a project inspired by the story. This track is best suited for pre-K and elementary students. Some lesson examples include creating pinch pot characters inspired by the book Claymates and emotion jars inspired by No Fits, Nilson!

Claymation challenges students to develop storyboards, imagine characters, and write dialogue while creating objects and characters using Plasticine clay. Students advance their literacy through narrative storytelling while incorporating technology to create stop-motion mini-films.

How much does it cost to bring Claymobile to my organization?

Most Claymobile partners pay our susidized rate of $200/session for up to 30 participants. This is available for any partner site serving a population that is considered to be 75% or more economically disadvantaged (or on free-or-reduced lunch). Additional participants are $5/participant/session.

If your organization does not qualify for our subsidized rate, the cost is $400/session for up to 30 participants. Additional participants are $10/participant/session.

We are able to provide a limited number of fully subsidized workshops and residencies each year. Please contact our Community Enagement Manager, Adrienne Justice, at if you are unable to pay our susidized rate for programming and would like to be considered for fully subsized programming.

What types of organizations can request Claymobile programs?

We partner with many types of organizations, including:

  • Schools in Philadelphia and Camden including public, charter, parochial, cyber, and more (schools outside of Philadelphia and Camden my require travel fees depending on distance)
  • Any pre-K through 12th grade classroom, incluing science, social studies, art, and ELA classes
  • After-school and out-of-school time programs
  • Summer camps
  • Community centers
  • Social service agencies
  • Juvenile justice centers
How many students can participate in a Claymobile class?

Each class can accomodate up to 30 students. This keeps our adult-to-student ration at 1:10 (Teaching Artist, Teaching Assistant, and Site Personnel). If you have more than 30 students, we can work with you to split the class or add additional Claymobile staff.

How do I request a Claymobile workshop or residency?

You can either fill out our online form or contact our Community Engagement Manager, Adrienne Justice, at

What days/times is the Claymobile available?

The Claymobile program holds classes all year long. Classes can be scheduled 7 days a week, pending availability. Ideally, each session is 90-minutes in length. If 90-minutes is not possible, we can work with you to come up with alternative solutions.

What does the site need to provide to host Claymobile?

We bring everything needed for the ceramics lesson. The site needs to provide:

  • A room with tables and chairs for all participants
  • An invested adult to oversee activities and make sure the space is ready to hold a Claymobile class
  • A source of water

Ideally, the class will be held in a classroom or other isolated space with limited outside distractions. Sinks in the room are ideal, but not required.

Claymobile will bring:

  • A professional teaching artist and teaching assistant
  • All needed supplies and materials for the ceramics lesson
  • Tarps, canvas, and/or paper to cover tables
  • Storage for all supplies (we'll transport materials to and from your location so that you don't have to store any of our supplies on site)
Community Engagement Manager