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Mimi McPartlan

Teaching Artist - Past

Artist Statement:

I make functional pots for an idyllic world. In this world, portable dish and spoon sets are necessary for candy consumption and sippy cups are used by all ages. The pots are often curious and advocate indulgence. The pots offer morsels through tempting means. Containers are comprised of fragmented, familiar parts and mechanisms, such as a handle, lid or spout, yet generate intrigue in their quixotic details. The vessels are whimsical and entertain fantasies. A soft fullness belies a tension in the flat planes that intersect the curves. Through the juxtaposition of supple and sharp lines, the pots gain posture, relative to the back of a chair while maintaining a fleshiness. This continuous stance in my work is derived from a love of buoyancy to elevate objects and contents to be ogled.

My process for making models for pieces serves as indulgent. My real love of slip casting comes from shaping plaster. The quality of plaster, able to be carved into any form and sanded to perfection, reminds me of the natural effects of eroding forces as water and wind to hard surfaces, like rocks and shells. Through subtraction, I strive to reflect an individual aesthetic of fluidity from seemingly still materials.



Mimi was born and raised on Cape Cod, living in Brewster surrounded by water and talented craftsmen. After taking a wheel throwing class by accident in high school she was hooked. She went to Alfred University for her BFA; She arrived a thrower and left a caster. Mimi now focuses on slip-casting, making plaster models and molds and producing multiples.  This spring Mimi was an artist in resident for the month of May in Neumünster, Germany at  Künstlerhaus Stadttöpferei Neumünster.