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Margo Schreiber

Associate Artist - Current

Residence Time: 2022

Country of Origin: United States

I love nature’s palette and her spine tingling color combos! I’m over joyed while walking down garden pathways or in crowded international market bizarres. I see wildly beautiful color  patterns, and layered textures. This is my interest. Thrown and altering functional forms that are intentionally off centered/quirky and playful in shape. Currently I’m  throwing oval plates and bowls made with a rich dark choc stoneware. The interior surface is layered with white terra sig., highly buffet then adorned with brightly painted flowers, Marimekko inspired with a Mother Earth touch! I make functional items most often with terra cotta clay. I also enjoy wood firing and saggar firing techniques.

 TCS staff have  been my clay educators for the past 12 years!  I’ve most cherished teacher  Daniel Ricardo Teran for his throwing skills, perfection in techniques and in his respect for the clay process.  Teacher Rebecca Chappell taught me to play, experiment, alter, work wet and practice  strong scoring/attaching skills. Also received from Rebecca- don’t get too attached to your work for we learn from our errors and failures! Ive been blessed to also be affiliated with The Perkins center for the arts, Baltimore Clayworks and the Main Line arts center.

 I center clay so I too can have a centered life. Clay is my daily therapy and a meditative practice. I am so pleased to be an associate at The Clay Studio and am very grateful to be working in such a state of the arts facility and to be connected to TCS  community!


Instagram: @SchreiberMargo