Carol Ventura

Associate Artist - Past

Working at The Clay Studio inspired me to focus on Ceramics. Prior to my experience there, I would jump from one medium to another. What I most remember is being able to develop a coherent body of work and the response to that by artists I respected.

I moved to my own studio in January of 2018. I continue to deal with the challenge of full time employment that interferes with my art practice. Although progress is slow, I am committed to that practice and exploring multiple directions.


I have always been fascinated by miniature worlds and dream imagery.  Drawings on clay that illustrate dream images and three dimensional interpretations of memories, dreams, and reflections are my current focus.

I also continue to explore miniature gardens, creating landscapes within clay vessels that incorporate live plants into ceramic forms.

My work with clay has always been a meditative practice.  It demands focused attention, and cultivates present moment awareness that creates happiness.  Our times are difficult and stressful.  I have debated creating work that reflects these times, but have decided against that.  Instead, I try to communicate the peace and happiness I experience in creation through my work.